Wednesday, May 27, 2009

nice day out at grand hope park


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

follow your passion

drapings and costume designs by michelle sorlea


and the week continues...

pattern drafting procedures - by j. carlos b


Sunday, May 24, 2009

friday night for a fashion student...

fashion sketching 2 - by michelle diana sorlea

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

when life gives you lemons...

I stock up on them. or i throw them back.

sure it’ll be nice to make lemonade… but has life provided the sugar, the water, the ice, or the pitcher too?

how about when life hits you with a “sorry, due to some financial predicament, you can no longer finish your schooling at FIDM”?
what the hell am I to do with that?


Monday, May 11, 2009

campus style...out and about


Thursday, May 7, 2009

success is happening

Success is not the absence of failure. Success is what happens when you choose to move on beyond failure.
Learning what not to do is an important part of knowing what is most effective to do. Every mistake can spotlight a way to improve.
Frustration and disappointment are painful for a very positive reason. The pain pushes you in the direction of achievement.
What does not work gives you a realistic understanding of what will work. Whatever stops you can no longer stop you when you see it clearly enough to work your way around it.
Make your first instinct to celebrate rather than to judge. Celebrate and quickly find a useful outlet for whatever you've just been given.
Every up, every down, every moment makes you more able and creative and effective. See all the ways that success is happening, and allow achievement to flow freely into your world.

-- Ralph Marston


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

work your wardrobe at BR.

Banana Republic at The Grove would like to invite all FIDM students, staff, faculty and alumni to come into their store and enjoy 25% off all full priced merchandise you purchase on Monday, May 18th to Wednesday, May 20th. Just click on the photo to print the coupon and enjoy your shopping!

Monday, May 4, 2009

campus trends report: may the 4th be with you.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

9 months at FIDM and counting...

sketch by j. carlos

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