Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Harsh reality for our generation
"Instead children should learn that growing up is a gradual process of learning what you're good at and what you're not. Then they have to figure out how to apply that to a career. There are some talents that aren't going to lead to paying a job, and others that might. [...] These skills also need to be viewed through a realistic lens. Even the extremely skilled baseball player is unlikely to make it to the major leagues. The extremely talented actor probably won't become a movie star. Few people realize how difficult it is to get into med school or land a university teaching job. This doesn't mean that young people should be discouraged from pursuing these professions, but that they should be prepared for how difficult it might be."
From the book Generation Me by Jean M. Twenge.
I recommend this for anyone born in the 70's, 80's, and 90's.
Labels: Career News
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Unconventional (& Daring) Job Hunt

Twenty years ago about 17 percent of 18-30 year-olds were in tertiary education against a figure of 43 percent in 2008, according to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills. The Higher Education Statistics Agency said about 220,000 graduates joined the job market in the 2007-2008 period."
Labels: Career News, Miscellaneous, Motivation/Inspiration
Monday, September 21, 2009
making complete nonsense = mixed art/fashion
DMF’s art website: If you don’t already know, Dawn Marie Forsyth is the Chairperson of Fashion Design at FIDM. I remember crossing through Ms. Forsyth’s website some months ago, but her overriding and racy images stayed with me.
DMF’s personal composition takes the audience into a whole new level of standard juxtaposition. For a topic that rarely discloses perceptibly, this artist dissects and presents her message through the deconstruction and comparison of material things.
In her words, “These processes of deconstruction and reconstruction allow me to create tactile environments that expose limitations, our own and those put upon us by others through social constructs.” Her interpretation for feminism and social freedom points the validity of how we can discover new meanings and lessons from reconstructing and revitalizing old constructed ideas.
Looking closely at the way tangible pieces display such complication symbolizes the restraints of real life’s struggle. Perhaps it would take relentless research, patience, and creativity to understand this unconventional way of accepting the existence of human limitations, but Ms. Dawn Marie’s work of art, in all its metaphoric complexity, is not at all short of inspiring.
I would be curious to see what she does next...
**artwork belong to Anthropologie (in the Urban Outfitters' family)
Labels: Fashion Design, Staff and Faculty
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
city lights

Your dreams are your road map.
Follow them to the top of the mountain.
It's the most amazing view."
Labels: Campus Life, Motivation/Inspiration
Monday, September 14, 2009
fashion awareness
-- Fashion TV
So get in the books, go out to the shops, sit and people watch. Read, research, and observe. Know the history, the season, the tastemakers... Discover the it, the now, and the how...THIS IS IT.
Labels: Career News, Motivation/Inspiration
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The September Issue

Labels: Fashion Talk, Pop Culture/Celebrity
Friday, September 11, 2009
And the winner is...

Labels: Fashion Design, Student Life, Textile Design
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
the people you SHOULD know...
Ken Downing, Senior Vice President and Fashion Director, Neiman Marcus

Labels: Career News, Fashion Talk
Friday, September 4, 2009
Ephesians 2:4-9
Labels: Motivation/Inspiration
Thursday, September 3, 2009 got any spare change?
Carlos: I'm starving.
Michelle: Me too.... But I can't afford food right now...
Carlos: Just drink your milk.
Michelle: God, why is everything so expensive?
Carlos: Why is FIDM so expensive.
They walk by a homeless man on the corner of Flower and Pico...
Homeless man: Excuse me, you got any spare change?
Michelle: No, but do YOU have any spare change for me?!?! I'm hungry too!
Homeless man walks away.
Carlos: I'm starving.
Labels: Miscellaneous