Monday, April 27, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
leap of faith
when it came down to it... it was all up to me. i could back away now or i can take that leap. despite my family's disapproval, i made the decision on my own. i chose fidm.
as college students, we don't always know what we want. but that's the beauty of being in school, especially a school like fidm. it's the discovery of deep passion i didn't know i had that keeps me going. some days we know exactly what we want, some days we wonder what we're fighting for.
the adventures at fidm at times has brought me the greatest joy and other times, the greatest frustration, but i learn something new each day... about myself, where i want to go... and who i eventually want to be.
it isn't always easy. actually, life at fidm can be very hard. but it's all up to YOU. only you know what's best for YOU. how will you get through it? are you willing to take risks? are you willing to work hard? are you ready for this?
then jump.
take it.
take that leap of faith.
even if you fall, and i'm not saying you won't. you will--probably a few times. but you'll have to pick yourself right back up.
FIDM Blog Girl
Labels: Motivation/Inspiration, Prospective Student, Student Life
Saturday, April 18, 2009
value yours...

Labels: Motivation/Inspiration
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Your Choice

You can see each setback as a fatal blow to the achievement of your dream. Or you can learn from all the ups and the downs and make the achievement of your dream all the more valuable as a result of each challenge.
You can pounce upon each bit of bad news and extrapolate it to portend the end of the world. Or you can celebrate the fact that bad news is news only because it is so relatively rare.
You can decide that everyone is out to get you and withdraw from life in fear. Or you can jump right into the tangled, confused, exciting and delightful mixture that every moment brings, and find real treasure in it all.
You can sit and wait and complain and convince yourself that things will never get better. Or you can enthusiastically jump forward and make life the best it can be.
Whatever the situation, whoever is involved, you always have a choice. Choose each time to express the authentic beauty of your being, and live in a world where life is so very good.
-- Ralph Marston
Labels: Motivation/Inspiration
Monday, April 13, 2009
monday at the annex...again.

That's all for tonight.
Labels: Blogging
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Christ's perseverance

Labels: Motivation/Inspiration
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
SPRING QUARTER 2009 begins!
Hello hello... my fellow bloggers... or stalkers.
Tomorrow marks the first day of spring quarter 2009 and I'll be the first to admit that I am actually looking forward to it. Maybe it's the coffee bean talking, or the fact that I can't stand my roommate, or my random acts of boredom from spring break, but whatever it is I am SO ready to go back to school.
Bright and early, my first class is at 8:30 AM, but I have no idea which classroom it's in (CHECK YOUR PORTAL).
Time to call it a night. Stay tuned everyone, theFIDMlife will be packed with all sorts of fun this quarter!
Labels: Student Life
Monday, April 6, 2009
Life at FIDM

Personally, I have created some great friendships along the way. Though we just met, these people I know will always back me. We stay up all night even if we don’t have to do homework. Okay I lied, I always fall asleep before everyone—but besides the fact, I love hanging out with those who share the same passions I have.

Labels: Blogging, Fashion Design, Student Life
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Quote of the Day

Need some brilliant words-of-wisdom? Leave it to the professionally-trained writers at Papyrus.
Labels: Shopping
Friday, April 3, 2009
...everyone's talking.
--Roberto R., 4th year Architecture
"That Brick Beige Prisma marker color is $3.15. I need two. There goes my lunch money.
-- Kathy S., Product Development
"If I miss one class at FIDM, that's a week's worth of material."
--Jenn B., Fashion Design
"I would sell all my clothes if it adds up to $700 so I could help Michelle pay for housing."
-- Megan W., Fashion
"1 week: 15 hours of schooling, 30 hours of working, 5 hours of on-campus volunteer activities, 35 hours of studying... what a life."
--Stacy L., Mechandise Marketing

Labels: Fashion Design, Merchandise Marketing, Product Development, Student Life
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Shop the TOP!

So the economy is a dump right now, it'll get better. With retailers that combine great style and affordability together, fashion will always triumph. Welcome to America, Topshop!
Labels: Fashion Talk, Shopping
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
if you're not super...

Labels: Miscellaneous, TV Show